Neurological physiotherapy involves the treatment of people with movement and function disorders that have originated from problems within thebody’s nervous and neuromuscular system. These conditions often manifest themselves as muscle weakness, poor balance and coordination, uncontrolled muscle spasm and tremors, loss of function and decreased sensation. Neurological Physiotherapy is able to kick-start the message pathways that your brain is struggling to use, to make new pathways through repetitive actions and exercises. Many of the patients who undergo Neurological Physiotherapy can improve symptoms such as, difficulties with loss of balance, loss of hand and arm, or leg and foot function, walking, spasticity and pain.
It is a process that centrally involves the disabled person in making plans and setting goals that are important and relevant to their own particular circumstances. Neurorehabilitation offers a series of therapies from the medications, physiotherapy, and speech and swallow therapy, psychological therapies, occupational therapies, teaching or re-training patients on mobility skills, communication processes, and other aspects of that person's daily routine. Neurorehabilitation also provides focuses on nutrition, psychological, and creative parts of a person's recovery. Many neuro-rehabilitation programs, whether offered by hospitals or at private, specialized clinics, have a wide variety of specialists in many different fields to provide the most well rounded treatment of patients.
T hese treatments, over a period of time, and often over the lifetime of a person, allow that individual and that person's family to live the most normal, independent life possible. Each of the conditions managed with neurological physiotherapy differs in how they affect the nervous system. However, the impairments of the diagnoses are similar. Physicians recommend neurological physiotherapy for patients suffering from poor balance and coordination, gait issues, vision changes, and those who cannot walk and struggle with self-care/daily living activities.
- Microcephaly
- Post-polio syndrome
- Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS)
- Stroke
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Parkinson’s disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Cerebral Palsy