+91 96001 04848, +91 86810 54321, 044 4210 0076

Geriatric physical therapy covers a wide area of problems concerning the elderly. There are many conditions that affect people as they grow older and include but are not limited to the following: arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, hip and joint replacement, balance disorders incontinence, etc. Geriatric physical therapists specialize in providing therapy for such conditions and ailments. Physiotherapists play a key role in enabling older people to use a number of the body’s systems fully to enhance mobility and independence. Physiotherapists can make a difference by helping older people to be comfortable and pain free. The procedure is performed with the help of a suitable professional, the physiotherapist.

The physiotherapist will teach and apply global exercises and active techniques to the elderly so that the patient gains mastery of new movements of his/her body and develop physical and mental balance. Currently, geriatric physiotherapy can be applied in different ways: through mechanotherapy and kinesiotherapy (biomechanical movements). Their rehabilitation plan will vary hugely, depending on, for example, the condition itself, the patient and their mind-set, their home and family situation, as well as previous family history. For patients suffering from mobility issues, dementia, or with a history of falls, a physiotherapist is important in evaluating the home setting.


  • Joint Pain
  • Generalized Weakness
  • Postural Instability
  • Balance Impairment
  • Down Syndrome